Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bianca Arnstrong Day 7

In high school I didn’t even imagine myself in college I thought I was going to be working at Wendy’s somewhere. But now that I’m here I think the main think I’m scared of is the work. I know they’re going to overload us with homework and projects and what not. But I think I’m just going to have to deal with it. I’m also scared of being unorganized. Because I know it’s going to be a lot of stuff going on and I probably won’t have time to fit everything in. But after a while I think that I will be able to get organized and fit everything in my schedule. But I’m looking forward to making new friends and getting to start my career right away. I like to act and I want to learn more skills that I can do. The classes look very interesting.  Like on my schedule right now I have Body movement’s actor 1. That class should be really fun. You can learn about moving your body in certain ways to create emotion. And you also get to learn stage combat. That’s really going to be fun. An after all that is done you get to hang and make new friends outside of class.

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