Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 7: Response to Krystal and Eric - Kevin

Response to Krystal:

My summer is going to be very busy next summer. There’s a lot going on for me in the summer of 2012. I have to get a job, do some play work, go to Jamaica with my family while still having some time just for myself and friends. I will just be returning back to my job at Grandpa Mary’s Childcare where I assist my grandma with all of her daycare kids. Next summer my local playhouse puts on musicals and plays throughout the summer and I want to be involved in it because they are doing my favorite musical RENT. I think RENT is coming back because it’s being revised and Columbia is taking a whack at it this spring and I’ll be trying out for it then too! I’m going to be flying across the world next summer as I travel to Jamaica with my mom and my little sister. My mom has been to Jamaica a few times but never has brought my sister and I along. This time we get to experience everything she has without just imaging it because of the things that she brought back for us.

During my years at Columbia my time will be consisted of hard work and dedication to my craft. If I’m paying to be at a school then I’m going to get every last bit of information they try to teach me. I plan to make it onto some shows and hopefully get broadcast in a positive light. I’m ready for what Columbia has to throw at me, I know some things will be difficult but that’s the type of strive some people need to keep going.

GOODLUCK at whatever college you choose! Your gonna do great (:

Response to Eric:

The thing that I was most afraid of was leaving home. College never seemed like a scary place to me but knowing that fact that I won’t get to see my family every day like I am use to just dawns on you and makes you sad. I’ve had family members go to college and they would always come home on breaks and complain about their work but they told me it’s only hard because they wouldn’t pay attention. Their intentions are different than mine. They went to college seeking a huge party, I’m going to further my career in the arts.

My dream is to be on Broadway! College is just another step that’s going to get me there. College teaches you how to do things you would have never thought of, like to put an “A” under your “O” when you sing to make the sound more rich. It gives you fundamentals that other places can’t teach you. I also enjoy meeting new people; all the students at Columbia seem so welcoming. Within this week that I’ve been in the Bridge Program I’ve made new friends just because we all have so many things in common and love to express ourselves. When I begin to attend Columbia in the fall I’m going to take every opportunity I get to perform and shine like the star I am!

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