Monday, August 8, 2011

Answer to my own question

I am reading the famous book Lost in Place, by Mark Salzman, and to count how many times the young Mark Salzman is creative would be at least a 4 page paper, and that would be part 1. I am going to take something from the beginning of the book that really stood out to me, when he turned his basement into a Buddhist Temple. "First I turned our basement into what I thought a Buddhist Temple should look lik.e I shoved all the jump to one side, marked off boundaries with candles and set up a shrine on a coffee table. I outfitted the shrine with objects from a cookware shop, the only store in town that carried Oriental gifts: a bamboo place mat, a package of chopsticks, a sake cup, which I turned into an incense burner, and a plastic Chinese kitchen deity with the character for "tasty" painted on his stomach. Next to the shrine I placed volumes containing entries for China, Buddhism and Taoism and Bruce Tegner's book Kung Fu & Tai Chi, seventh in a series of manuals by Mr. Tegner, a crew-cut ex-marine and our country's most prolific authority on hand-to-hand combat. (pg. 3-4)" I quoted that so far from where I actually am at because I thought this was the most creative thing Mark did, he turned his basement from a junk collection into a shrine of his own design dedicated to his practice of Kung Fu.

I would have to say for myself my imaginative side comes out more than my creative side, but I might as well tell the story of a cute little stuffed cow that almost got me a day off of school by the creative excuse I gave. The cows name was Lord Commander Moo Moo, it was a small, round, cute little stuffed cow. I thought it'd be funny if I gave him that name, because even of how innocent he looks he would be the Harbinger of Death on a total conquest of this entire world. Well, one night my Sophomore year of Highschool I came up to my mom who was sleeping, and put the cow on her alarm clock and said, "Mom, I can't go to school today, Lord Commander Moo Moo has ordered a strike on the academy... Everyone will be milked!" she just said, "Nice try, but you're still going to school." This cow's legacy still lives on though, when my oldest brother took him to his college to live with him he took on a life of his own. My oldest brother was the RA of his floor, and the cow - after the story being told many times - became the floor mascot. The college people decided to make him his own facebook page (anything and everything past my excuse for wanting to be off of school was out of my control), if you're curious on him look up Lord-Commander Moo-Moo. I was the famed creator of a cute little cow on a college, and it felt pretty damn great.
(Actual picture of him added in the post.)

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