Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Response to Nikkea

Everyone needs a person they look up to or admire. Thats what makes us fight for something or try to be a certain way. Alepho mostly admired his older brother Joseph who was only two years older than him. Joseph would protect his family even though he needed protection himself. He never backed down from defending his family. He didn't care if he was given a beating for it either. "Joseph defended us... once he confronted three bullies who liked to bully every boy... they attacked Joseph and beat him up." (pg 126). With this admiration for Joseph it allowed Alepho to also take a stand just like his brother was doing. He didn't want to be away from Joseph either he always wanted to be next to him and he did all that he could in order to make that happen. "I stopped fighting... I was happy that I was with Joseph. I got discipline." (pg 129.) At the end of the day Alepho was willing to leave everything in order to follow Joseph even if that meant his other family memebers. Even if it left with him a bad feeling he still went along with it. "It still didn't feel right to leave Peter behind. When will we go?" (pg. 133).

The person that I admire most is my grandmother. From surviving an abusive marriage and raised her four children all on her own without any help I admire her for that. I admire her for being strong and being the rock of the family when everyone else sulks in their own pitty. My grandmother also is the woman that taught me to keep fighting for what I really want in life. And to fight for my opinion. It was threw my grandmother that I learned how to never give up. My grandma also is the one who taught me about faith and made me realize there is always someone there to listen even when it seems like no ones around. I love her with all my heart and I will always remember what she has given me in my life.

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