Thursday, August 4, 2011

Response to my own question

Of course there are so many different characters that play a role in the book "They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky" that makes the story for what it is, but the chacter that I find the most interesting isn't just one person but it is a group of people. A group of people that are part of an organization/army. The group is called SPLA, which stands for Sudanese People's Liberation Army. This organization are a group of men that are fighting for their peoples' rights and freedom. In the book their main enimies are the Murahiliin. The SPLA are such an intersting but yet mysterious group. At first they are looked down upon because they are the "rebels" of the people. They would go around stealing tribes' goats. Children especially the brothers saw them as evil. "Why didn't the men of the village stop those evil soldiers?" spoken by Benson to his mother. (pg. 46). Then his mother explains to him that they are not evil but in fact they are the ones fighting for them. On the other side they are seen as good people. I personally have grown a passion of liking for them and I admire them. During the war that has suddenly broken out the "rebels" of the world it seems to others are protecting the children who have been seperated from their families or lost their families all together. They have a sudden trait of nuturing to the children. They will give up everything they have in order for the children to survive. They are all in the mind set of protecting them no matter what." I have only five fire eyes, And those are to protect you." (pg. 77). I'm enjoying reading the adventures the boys are taking in the protection of the SPLA.

A supporting character in my life? Well to be honest no. Yea I know that sounds sad and all, but it isn't to me. Family isn't very close or around much to know what's even going on in my life. To be honest I don't have many friends left and those I still keep in touch with I don't even see or even really talk to them. The only person that comes close to any support in my life would have to be my ex. He was my support when we were together and he touched my life to the point it brings tears to my just thinking about it. But even now he isn't really there anymore since the break up so I'm sort of back to where I started. No Support System!

1 comment:

  1. It took me a while to even find true friends, least of all people I can count on for support. Keep your head up it'll happen one day or another.
