Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Response Day 6

Response to Nicole- In my book The Poured Fire, the character Benjamin, always talks about how he wants to see his parents again. That’s usually all that is on his mind. He eventually stops thinking about them so much to help him carry one easier. Benjamin is completely dedicated to surviving and reuniting with his family one day. You can see his dedication because of all the messed up things that happen around him and he still tells his self that he’s strong and he’ll make it. A good instance of his dedication is shown on page 83 and 84. He is talking to an elder and Benjamin witnesses someone falls down and the elder tells him he is dead and Benjamin needs to take care of himself. The same elder that told him to take care of himself ends up falling to and when Benjamin tries to wake him up, he doesn’t respond. This would be very discouraging to anyone who saw this happen but Benjamin kept going.

I remember an instance that happened recently that somewhat relates to Benjamin situation. I was dating this one girl that I really loved and one day she told me she was moving far away near the end of the summer. I decided to quit my job so I could spend more time with her. I knew quitting my job for a girl was a bad idea so I made sure there was more than one legit reason to leave. My grades in school were bad and I figured if I quit I would be able to focus on school more. Also I was in the job for almost a year and I barely got any hours, the most I would get is maybe 15 hours in two weeks. I was already thinking about quitting, but when that girl told me she was moving that was pretty much the last reason I needed to quit.

Response to Nikkea- In the book They Poured Fire, that soldiers and the boys seem to admire a boy named Monyde they find at a village. The soldiers think about not letting him go with them because he is too young to travel through where they’re going. Benson mentions on page 76 how even when they have been walking all day, Monyde would still put a smile on people’s faces. You can see the soldiers admire his courage on page 79 when Monyde fell of the tanker at night and he got left behind for a little bit. When the driver finally realizes he is gone, he goes back for him. When they find him he is hiding quietly in the tall grass. One soldier tells him, “You are a clever and brave boy for hiding and not crying.” This shows that the soldiers admire Monyde and how smart he was not to attract attention to himself.

A person a really admire would be one of my favorite guitarist, who is Tosin Abasi. I just found out about him last year and when I listened to his music, I have never heard anything like it. It inspired me to try and take my music into different directions. He does things on a guitar that I have never seen anyone do, and he incorporates two very different genres, which is jazz and progressive metal, and makes them work so well together, and I highly admire him for that.

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