Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Maya's Response to Kevin Day 3

Response to Kevin Day 3

I am also reading the book Take the Cannoli. Sarah’s dad and her sister Amy had the same passion for guns and hunting. She was never really interested in hunting and shooting guns for fun, as well as her mother. She was more interested in music and political things. Around the time where her dad was spending more time with her sister I think she started to feel a little jealous. Her father and sister had more things in common. They watched the same TV shows and movies. Something that they could talk about that interested them and I think Sarah wanted that with her father. Sarah said (pg15) “We’re older now, my dad and I. The older I get the more interested I get in becoming a daughter”. She wanted the father daughter relationship that she never had with her father. That’s why she became more interested in doing something that he liked and something that will help them bond.
I can sympathize with Sarah because I never had the whole father daughter relationship with my dad. I mean yeah sure he helped create me but so what. My dad and I have two totally different attitudes. I’m very nonchalant and he’s more of a kind hearted man. My dad lives in the same house with me but he’s distant. My dad and I just got closer this year. I do have to admit I enjoy the conversations we have. Sarah and I both needed our fathers.

Response to Eddie:
In the book take the cannoli Sarah was more of the outcast in her school. She wasn’t a cheerleader or on the dance squad. She was in the band. Sarah mentioned a guy named Andy Heap (pg.26). he was the bully the one who made fun of her or embarrassed her.

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