Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mario Ballesteros Day 3 Response: Eddie

My character happens to be the same character as yours! Mark was teased by many people, including his mother. He was pretending to be an astronaut so he made his spaceship out of a cardboard box and drew buttons and designs on it. Then one day he was in his box, in his own world in space. He over hears his mother talking to her student. She was teaching piano lessons at home. Mark over heard his mother say “He’s practicing to be an astronaut,” “He puts those pictures of the stars in front of the box and looks at them through the little periscope. He’s been doing it for weeks now.” She looked towards Mark and pointed out that his butt was sticking out of the back of his cardboard space ship. When Mark got out of the box he realized his mother was teaching a teenage girl, his cheeks turned bright red and was embarrassed.

I can relate to Mark in some ways. I had a deep passion for breaking. My passion for the dance was so much that it got in the way with my school work. I loved going on trips with my friends that also danced, meaning that I would go out of state just to enter competitions. Then when I got back home and went to school on Monday I would be out of it and just too tired for school. All my friends would bash on me and my dream on becoming a famous bboy. They told me that I wasn’t going to have a future with that type of dance. That I was going to only become a street performer and nothing more.

Because of everyone bashing on my dreams, I know that it made me stronger. It made me want to prove them wrong even more. I grew into a better and motivated dancer; there is not a day where I ever think to myself that maybe I should have just focused on school and never picked up on dancing. If it wasn’t for this dance, I wouldn’t be the person who I am today.

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