Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 7 Nicoles responce to Krystal and Eric

Responce to Krystal:

As time passes, things change either for the better or worse. We all hope to become successful in the future but all we can do is hope and try our best. You never know what obstacles life can bring but it is a good idea to plan for your future. My plan for life in general is to become one of the best dancers and learn everything I can about dance and the language of dance here at Columbia. My ultimate goal in life is to go on tour as a backup dancer and choreographer with celebrities, and feature in dance films. I get recognized and recruited before I graduate Columbia, I will take a break to do what I need to do and eventually come back to Columbia because this is where I know I want to get my education from.
Within the next four years I don’t know where life is going to take me, but id like to picture myself in a huge dance studio with speakers so loud that it will fill the streets of Chicago. I set high goals for myself and I realize I set them too high, but I am a very determined person to achieve those goals. The sky is the limit.
However sometimes your goals or plans for life don’t necessarily go as planned. Krystal for example, her plan was to attend Columbia but she realized that she wasn’t ready. So she made a very mature choice to prepare herself and come back when she feels that she is ready for Columbia. It takes a certain type of person to do that and I respect her decision. It is smart to be realistic about the choices you make in life but it is also smart to set high goals for yourself.

Responce to Eric:

One thing about me is I feel like I have separation anxiety from my little 9 year old sister and my mother. My mother has always guided me under her wing and now that I am on my own in this huge city is like living in a whole new world. This new life is defiantly going to take some getting used to.
Although they only live two hours away, it is still upsetting at times to know that I am not sitting at the dinner table with them and talking about our day. It is a hard adjustment, but I know that I have to grow up and “cut the umbilical chord” as some would say Of course I’m worried about the hard work and stress that comes along with college but know I can do all of the work that college has to offer. Why? Because I am spending so much money that I have no choice but to make school my number one priority. Also because I want to have the best education I can get and really push myself.
Despite all of this, I’m so excited to further my education and really begin to learn how to be an adult. I am no longer a child and I feel free. Living without my mother gives me the opportunity to make my own decisions. If they are wrong decisions, I have the opportunity to learn from it.

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