Monday, August 8, 2011


In my book "they Poured Fire on Us From the sky" there isn't just one specific enemy its a group. It was in the early 80's when troops from the government in northern Sudan started attacking villages all over the south. These soldiers killed nearly everyone from kids to parents, they even burned down peoples homes that lived in those villages. Also if they didnt kill the sisters they would take them and turn them into slaves. as for those who tried to escape the soldiers would hunt and shoot them.

In my life time i have never been picked on nor bullied but i have seen others that have been treated in such way and i have seen the outcome that either changed the person that was doing the bullying and some outcomes that was just out of control. there was a girl that attended my school a few years ago and her name was "Sarah Jackson". She wasn't they type that most people would hang out with because she was very different from others. Meaning she whore young clothes, tried to fit in with everyone, and just tried to do everything she thought she could do that would make her be cool with everyone. And she wasn't cute at all. But the people I hunged out with really didnt like her because of what she was trying to do and be. so they teased her for every mistake she did, every person she had a crush on, and just everything she did. She cried every time and everyday because she was so hurt by all the mistreatment from her peers. One day she stated loud and clear in class, "I am going to Fucking Kill myself, I'm tired of ya'll treating me like I'm not human and like I don't have feelings......I'm so tired of ya'll."(Sarah). Then she stormed out of the room, she even threw her desk on the floor. At that point the ones that was bullying her was starting to realize that they need to stop before it get to far out of control.

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