Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 3: Response to Eddie

As I think to my readings from "They Foured Fire on Us From the Sky" there hasn't been any harrassment that has come into the story yet. The three brothers have basically only shared their story from when they were younger. The only thing that comes close to Harrassment of any type would have to come from Benson's story. When it was time for Benson to be Circumsized he short of was being made fun of by the girls in the village. They would go around in cicles singing songs of what he went through. "Uncircumcised, he is like a cow with an untrimmed tail." (pg 9). I guess for Benson that had to be an embarrassment. That nothing in his village was ever kept between a certain group like his family. Everyone in his village knew of the thing that felt hopeless to him the most. And I guess you can say that what Benson went through was a huge step in his life to manhood and people were making it seem like a joke.

As for me well lets just say all my decisions are always judged or ridiculed. No one ever liked my boyfriend even though no one ever knew him for what or who he was. Me wanting to go to college was looked down upon let alone a Fine Arts college. I always feel like no one has ever supported me in my decision making when all I try to do is make my life a little better. Its like when I take two steps forward there's always someone to pull me ten steps back. And that someone always seems to come from my family which is always the biggest let down. Family is suppose to be your support system and I've never really felt like I ever recieved support from those closest to me.

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