Thursday, August 4, 2011


Yes julia i think that is strange. like why doesnt he see him? does he even try to see him? does he even wants to see him? I find Erich to be interesting who is marks brother. he is two years younger then him. i find him interesting because him in mark seem to clash when they are brothers in it just shouldnt be that way. when mark seems to just get along with his dad fine. he affect the story because to me he plays a big part because he is his brother. but seeing that his brother trying to become a zen master he seems to not want that for him or is jealous. "Im sure it was erich who started giggling first. he was always the one who started things" page 68 "Erich has alwasys been a force to contend with" page 54. yes some people in my life has made an impact on me even doe i may not even see them as much. like my aunty mary. i love her dearly in she has impacted me alot throughout my life. in ways i couldnt even picture because she just has been a great aunt to me all my life. wish i could se her more but no matte what she still has been there for maybe the times that she needed to be there for me.

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