Wednesday, August 3, 2011

response to Eddie's question

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In take the Cannoli, Sarah is ridiculed for being different all the way around. Her twin sister Amy, is completely opposite of Sarah. She's into guns like their father and calls herself"the loneliest twin in history. " Sarah's ridiculed for her choice of politics by her father. Sarah's into musical instruments and reading and rarely engages in family activities. Not only at home is she ridiculed but shesbullied at shool by a boy name Andy Heap. Sarah decides she happy with her life choices of being different. She doesnt struggle to fit in. she's excepting of herself and defference from others including her family.
in my own experience I've been ridiculed for being open minded. I except everyone for who they are and what life choices are. Everyone has morals..mines I believe everyone wants to be excepted. Yes, not everyone is going to understand each other but to get a better understanding of why you chose not to agree with someone elses decisions you have understand their choice. I refuse to let the ridicule ofrom others effect my way of thinking, living, and excepting everyone for who they are.

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