Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The College Life

Well, those are two questions that can be answered pretty easily. As of right now, I am currently afraid of being booted out of the bridge program for something trivial, or later on I loose the momentum I have and my work begins to downgrade itself into crap. However, most in college I am afraid of is the lack of free time I may have. Even though I am a commuter, and my classes are set up to where I have over 4 hours to get work done as I wait for my fall classes to begin. The other thing I am Most afraid of is losing interest in my major, I want to keep the fire that is burning in me alive and make this my living.
On a less depressing note though, what I look forward to? Well, take a seat and make yourself some coffee because this may be long. I look forward to honing my schools, and becoming what I aspire to be, or even aspire to. I want to make a series of books that surpass that of Ted Williams or C.S. Friedman's brilliantly devolved characters and overall story line. Before I can do that though, I need to actually go through college and receive the proper training. I want to be critiqued like I never have been before, I want my writing torn apart word by word and told how to improve. I want to make my own style, break down all odds, and march through this college victorious. I would also like to pick up a few odd things too. I'd love to learn ASL (American Sign Language), mostly because when I was little I wasn't supposed to be able to hear, not totally deaf but it's like dunking your head underwater and trying to hear, that's how I heard when I was little. I was supposed to learn sign language to be able to read, and to be able to communicate for the most part. I would like to be of service to people in need, maybe it's just in my programming. So that is what I look forward to, the future outside of college, being trained and letting myself off the leash into the roaring crowd of society and conquering all odds and doubts that say "I cannot".

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