Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bianca Armstrong Day 7

Well next summer I’m going to try to take summer classes in this community college near me. Im going to take all the basic classes I need. Like math, English, writing etc. that way I don’t have to take all those classes again. By the way when I do transfer my credits, they won’t be coming to Columbia. I’ve decided that I’m goin to transfer to another school next year. I’m not saying that Columbia College is bad or anything. But it just cost way to much! I’m going to find a cheaper school to I can save money in my pocket. An also I won’t have to take out too many loans. They really are a pain! So hopefully I’ll have a good year while it lasts. When I get out of college in the next 3 years, I’m going to find a job in my major immediately. I would like to start my career off on a good foot. And I will be successful. I’m really hoping that I’ll be on tv someday. That is my main goal. If not then I’ll probably be on Broadway in New York somewhere. That would be really great accomplishment for me!

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