Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Responses Day 7

Response to Krystal- After attending my first year of college I can imagine my life might take a completely different direction. Every summer I expect to be with my friends from my hometown most of the time. I think once I gain a bunch of new friends from this school I will also be hanging out with them to. I will never forget about where I am from though. I think I’ll still be the same old me, but I will have a lot more knowledge than I used to and I know my friends won’t have a problem with that at all. I hope I will stay close to all the people I talk to in my hometown, because when I have nothing, they’re all I have, including my family. I’ll still see my family, but not as much as I would like to, and that might be a little hard, but that’s part of life, and I’m ready for all of that. I’m also in a band, but I never have time to practice anymore because of school. Once I go back to my house though, I’m sure my band members will still be willing to play again, and once I learn the theory that I’ve been trying to learn for so long, I’ll think it will help the band out a lot. I see a lot of changes coming that are going to be hard to deal with, but for the most part, it’s all for the best.

Response to Eric- One of the things that scares me the most coming into college would have to be losing contact with all of my friends back home and not seeing my family as much as I usually do. When I don’t have my friends and family, the other thing I look to is my music. I know I’ll make plenty of friends out here in Chicago, but none will ever compare to the people I grew up with and went through high school with. I know there’s going to be a lot of work and I’m going to busy all the time, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to handle all of that. The one thing I’ve been waiting for ever since I decided I wanted to go to Columbia was simply learning about what I love. I dreaded high school every day I woke to go to it. Once I realized I can go to college for something I love doing, it almost made high school worse because it made me want to get out of there faster. I feel like I can enjoy college so much more because I’ll be able to do what I love practically every day.

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