Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Next summer I think I will be more prepared for school and I will know more I won’t be struggling anymore because I know what to expected and when I come back to Columbia it will be a breeze . Also I will be more mature. In the next 4 years I see myself starting my career in radio maybe even have my own radio show. And then I will move to my own talk show like Wendy William (I love her). But other than that I hope I get to see all of you when I come back I will miss all of you and I know this is kind of corny but don’t change for nobody be yourself stay focus in school cause you don’t want to fail all your classes and you be mad cause you just wasted like $ 4,000 on that one class. I don’t like saying good bye so I will say I will see you all late

Xoxoxo Krystal

1 comment:

  1. Stay in touch, Krystal! We will miss you. Can't wait to see you next year! Good for you--you're making a VERY adult decision.
