Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Reading Response: Day 7 | Eric

I think my biggest fear about coming into college is getting distracted from my goals. I don’t want to end up like other students who only think about partying and drinking etc. etc. I have had friends who dropped out because they couldn’t balance out having fun and their education. I remember that they would always come back home from break and they would tell me crazy ass stories from their college life on campus.

I know for a fact that I won’t know how to handle the situation until I start experiencing it for myself. What I do know though, is that I will find a way to balance out having fun and doing my school work. I think the only thing that I have to remind myself, is that my school work won’t be able to change after the deadline passed. I’ll just simply receive an F. I know that there will always be parties to go to in the future.

Something that I’m looking forward the most about going to college, is meeting new people. As you know already, we are all in the bridge program right now. Just attending the bridge program and meeting new people and socializing to new people within the dorms is crazy. Everyone was so kind and nice and wanted to know a little bit of everyone. I’m also excited about meeting my teachers and staff that work here at Columbia.

To be honest I never liked meeting new people. Back home I hated it; I didn’t want to talk or deal with anyone around me that I already didn’t know. For some reason though here in Chicago, I just don’t care anymore. I can care less if someone likes me or not, what I do know is, is that I’m here for myself and my education, and nothing is going to stop me from reaching my goal as a Columbia graduate.

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